Beetroot and Mint Dip
Hummus is one of my all-time favourite foods. I snack on it almost every day, not only because it tastes delicious but it is packed full of protein, healthy fats and vitamins.
Hummus is so easy, quick and cost effective to make. I always start with the same basic ingredients but love adding in different veggies, herbs and spices. My favourite combinations are cumin roasted carrot, pea and spinach and beetroot and mint.
1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 steamed beetroot (or 3 pickled beetroot)
Fresh mint leaves
2 cloves garlic
Dairy free cream cheese
Lemon juice
Salt & pepper
1. Place all the ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth. You may want to add a drop of water depending on your preferred consistency.

Registered nutritionist (mBANT) (dipCNM), Nutritional Therapist (CNHC) and Naturopath (ND).
'It is my passion to use the latest evidence-based nutrition and my clinical experience to guide and help you to support your health & wellbeing'
Health hasn’t always been my journey. In fact during my teenage years I suffered with disordered eating. Living off low fat/low calorie foods, diet coke and black coffee, my body stopped being able to function. My skin was dry, my hair falling out, I had terrible gut issues (bloating, gas, and constipation) I lost my periods, complained of being cold and was constantly exhausted. If only I knew what I know now, that my brain and body were literally starved of nutrients.
Gradually I began to see that my destructive behaviours and habits were robbing me from living and enjoying life. It was a long road of re educating myself, eating nourishing foods, learning self-compassion, and actually finding the enjoyment in food.
Over time my skin cleared up, my hair grew, my energy came back, hormones re balanced, and I saw firsthand the power of diet and lifestyle modifications in recovering my own health.
Fast forward a few years I am now a qualified nutritionist helping to educate people on the effects of food as medicine, food as enjoyment and food as fuel.